Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wonderful Weekend

Just a heads up. My computer is doing the thing again, so I basically caved and am now typing this in the library. Blog withdrawal.

FUN WEEKEND. Lots and lots to tell. Back to bullets.
  • For reasons that needn't be discussed, Mae is no longer the Stage Manager (pledge mom) for Alpha Psi. Of course that isn't a position that can be left open since that person is the bridge between current members and potential new members. SO. We had lots of voting to do. We first voted that the position could be a co-management position this year, considering how last minute it was and the fact that we are ALL insanely busy. After a few nominated people, myself included, left the room, the group had a long discussion, which I'm still kind of curious about. By the end, Jess Anderson and I were voted as the co-stage managers. We're both really excited to get things started for this new class. Hopefully we're able to do a good job and be as helpful as they need us to be. There's a lot to be done, and I want to be there for Jess in whatever capacity possible. SIDENOTE Jess and her boyfriend Michael have been dating for over two years. Their song is Your Guardian Angel. You already know what my reaction to that news was <3
  • I went home for the weekend. I spent the first night helping my mom babysit Cristina. Poor thing is teething, so she's already fussy. She's also developed what we call "mamitis" (in Spanish), so basically if she doesn't see her mom or dad the little girl starts wailing. It breaks my heart, but I enjoy every possible moment with her.
  • I hung out with Eric on Saturday. We went to Panera, and then we went to AEHS to see their fall show, Figments. Oh my goodness. I loved it. So cute. And Eric was such a good sport about the whole evening. 
  • At the show I saw Alex, Jason, and Brian. Oh my darling. I can't begin to describe how much happiness filled my heart spending time with them. I can't believe how much I missed them. And how much they missed me as well. It was so healing. I also saw a WHOLE BUNCH of my babies, and it made me ache for my school. I'm not living in the past, I don't think. But that auditorium is home. And the little ones make sure I always feel welcome. Hugging Spencer is one of the best feelings ever. After the show, the boys went on a Kenny's run for old times' sake and invited me to join them. It was my first time ever stepping foot in Kenny's. Finally.
  • Hector texted me. All evening. My dearest darlingest friend who I miss oh so much. He's coming back for Christmas. I finally get to see him again. Words can't describe how big my smile was when he told me. He also said he'd like to see me outside of church, and proceeded to shower me in compliments as he always does. Seriously, I'm gonna marry that kid haha. I just need it to be December like, NOW.
  • Sunday morning brunch with the ladies of our family at Silver Diner. SO much fun. I love spending time with those girls, they are always such a delight. And yes to good food. Just yes.
  • Went shopping with Karla and the baby, so now I have a new jacket and boots for Europe :3
  • MONDAY ISN'T WEEKEND BUT I'M COUNTING IT ANYWAY. Last night was our first rehearsal for Jack & the Beanstalk. Can we please just talk about how good it feels to be back in a rehearsal process? I'm stressed and overbooked and trying to manage my time and the one thing that makes me busiest is the one thing that keeps me sane. I will get everything done though. As crazy as it sounds, working in the theatre just motivates me to do better. It breathes new life in me. And I'm back in it. And I'm going to be in a show with a wonderful cast of people and a crazy director. I'm in heaven ^_^

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