Monday, May 5, 2014

Little Blessings

Giovanni Lorenzo was born into our family yesterday. (My cousin's baby). He came early! Only a week after his baby shower! But I love having all these little ones around. They're so wonderful.

We finished our Children's Show, Spooky House. It was a hit! Small audiences, to be expected, but the kiddies loved it! Greeting them all in character was my favorite part. I never broke! I could totally work at Disney World. Boo height requirements! But seriously. I had crazy fun.

Our Musical Theatre/Opera recital had a few snags. Definitely. We weren't perfect. I don't know how Kyle (our beautiful, wonderful, insane, CRAZY TALENTED teacher) felt about the whole thing. Rough parts were rough. But we did it. And we had so much fun. Wheels of a Dream was fantastic and I'm sure the audience was feeling all kinds of feels. And, after we performed, not only did Kyle thank me for being so helpful with props & costumes, but she told me I had a really nice voice. She actually said that, and I'm like reeling haha. I respect her so much, so for her to tell me that after only having worked with me a semester meant so much. She recommended I go forward with some singing lessons, and I told her how nervous I got about juries. She said "you'll have no problem with those". I'm beaming. AHH. Maybe no more opera. I dunno. Opera is hard and not my strength haha but I had fun slaying a serpent in a Supergirl costume (we did a song from Magic Flute, don't worry about the details).

I may or may not be Stage Mom again next year. I was nominated. Elections are next week. I dunno if I'll get it. But I want it documented that this has been one of the best parts of my whole college experience. Getting to know these new members has been so fulfilling. I love them so much and have such faith in their abilities and the amazing things they'll accomplish. I hope I was able to play some kind of part and help them in some way. I know they've helped me. They are my babies, all of them, and I want to thank them for letting me spend this time with them. It's been an honor and a blessing.

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