Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Blessings In Threes

  1.  My mentee, Torreke, made me his Woman Crush Wednesday today! And it was super duper sweet! Especially after a kinda rough morning. It just made my heart super happy 'cause I love all my mentees so much and I'm glad they love me back! Best FYS ever.
  2. I got to workout today I actually had time what huh what is this magic you speak of I dunno but I did it and I feel AWESOME. Also super hungry like I want to eat literally everything.. But we're ignoring that. Yay diet & exercise!
  3. Day 8: Rough
After a rough time of going through the ENTIRE STORE in like 15 days, I had my list of every single item in the store. This was the rough draft. And it was a rough printing job. The finalized version is actually much more concise and neat and easy to read. But now I'm DONE with that big project, and moving on to phase two.  Considering I didn't start phase two until like an hour before closing, I am happy with being 6 pages in (out of 95. It's a lot but hey gotta make it last anyway 'cause this is my job for the summer). YAY PROGRESS AND PRODUCTIVITY.

Bonus: Not as much of a blessing but boy do I feel blessed.
A navy seal walked into the store today for some good old fashioned grocery shopping. I saw him from behind first and IMMEDIATELY was like what? Young white person? Lies. Then I got a good look at him while he was at the register and WHOOOO. My life is changed. I dunno his name, I dunno his age, all I know is he is a gentleman and BEAUTIFUL. He was seriously so sweet to the cashier. And when  had to pass him to keep working, I said excuse me and he said you're fine. My mind was like NO YOU. Seriously, he was swoon worthy. Cute smile and everything. Ah! I passed by the front of the store a few minutes later to get a cart and saw him pacing by his car while on the phone. I just thought FRIEND. HOW CAN I HELP YOU. YOU LOOK SO SAD. DO YOU NEED DIRECTIONS? I CAN DIRECT YOU TO EXACTLY WHERE YOU NEED TO BE RIGHT NOW. Lol it was ridiculous. I was ridiculous. But there has been a shortage of handsome men at this store and THIS ONE SERVES OUR COUNTRY. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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