Monday, May 25, 2015


I finally had time to go through all my clothes and get my closet organized. It's still crazy packed. I own way too many things, but I honestly wear more than I thought I did. I was able to get rid of a good handful of shirts, but I realized a few things. The first is that I am quite privileged to have all those items of clothing, especially when many only have one or two. I have plenty of shirts and not a lot of money, so I should just be grateful for what I have. RT merch can wait. The second is that you can find stories in the strangest places. I kept my Loiederman gym shirt, right next to my Upward Bound tee. Somewhere down the row I had my Music Man shirt from middle school, with the full cast on the back. And how can anyone forget the Music Department shirt for Hershey Park? That was the year Mr. Guerra spelled Loiederman wrong (he forgot the "e"). Such good times. The third was that I loved those shirts, but I never wear them. And I certainly will always have the memories, but it's okay to let them go. They were fun. And I am grateful. But I don't need those pieces of fabric to remind me. The fourth, and final one, was that despite this realization, I will not be willing to give up my S.T.A.G.E shirts for a very very long time. That was my home for four years, after all. I was more than ready to give up my McDaniel Hairspray shirt, but not my Einstein one. Something about the designs Aaron Fellows created just feels far too important to ever give up. On a lighter note, I have a few hand me downs for my Little now! Hopefully I can give them to her soon. They're nothing too magnificent, but the girl should have more than just one set of letters :3

Madeon's Adventure album got me through this chore
Have I ever mentioned Madeon?
He's my age. Actually he was born the same day as my niece! But in 1994.
He's a DJ from France. The only person I know of that is a bigger Daft Punk fan than I am.
He's husband #4. Ok? OK.

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