Saturday, July 28, 2018

Maria Maria

Saw West Side Story at Summer Dinner Theatre in Montgomery College with my boo Charlotte. Always a pleasure with her around I swear we have the best time. Always so good to cheer on my girl Amanda along with all the other stunning people I know involved (this time tis Laura & Zack killing the game). Always so good to see such insane talent work so hard. I have a flood of great things to say about the performance and production tonight (especially the best Maria I've ever seen omg). But I just want to use this chance to say that I totally get why people don't like this show or are tired of it. I will never not love this show. It will never not touch my emotions. I will never not feel so insanely connected to the story and the message and the brilliance of it all. It's so so so important to me. I'm happy to have seen it for the millionth time tonight haha

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